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Topical vitamin D and calcium
The intakes and rcommendations on D-vitamin have been controversial for some time. The only thing that is certain is that you need it every day, when the UV index is less than 5. In Finland, this information may sound dreary but clever survives at all times.
To begin to discuss how vitamin D affects the health and well-being. It has been researched fact that it has a connection to multiple sclerosis, dementia, diabetes and Alzheimer's. In the northern hemisphere occurs clearly more MS than elsewhere. Secondly, vitamin D affects, as yet unknown manner, "housekeeping" that is, the regulation of metabolism of the brain. The most logical explanation can be found in neuroscience, and more specifically the effect of vitamin D on calsiumphosphate. Vitamin D increases the intake of calcium phosphate regulating many kinases which are crucial in metabolism, cell sugnalling, protein regulation, cellular transport and many secretory processes.
Calcium release in the synapse is a necessary signal to the passage of a nerve impulse from one cell to the next. Calcium flows into the nerve cell and causes the release of transmitter. Residual calcium in the synaptic cleft will promote following impulses to occur. The phenomenon was first discovered squid and in the scientific world the phenomenon is called "Residual Calcium Hypothesis".
In Finland, the recommendations were reduced during the last decades to a level that everyone had a deficiency. As a result, it was found a statistical increase in type-2 diabetes. The explanation can be found nearby. IGF, or insulin-like growth factor is dependent on vitamin D. IGF is responsible for tissue growth, development and structuring. Nutrients such as vitamin D, affect epigenetics, ie to what regions of the genome are encoded at a given moment. Epigenetics controls the activity of genes. Isn’t physiology fun?
Vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterol effect of the sun's UV rays. If the cholesterol values are a bit elevated it is good to go out in the sun. Of course, diet is also necessary to observe at the same time and try to get the lifestyle in balance.
It makes more sense to ask how much is adequate than how much is enough. Institutions, such as the EFSA will give recommendations and the Vitamin D Council has ongoing stydies on the subject. Weight, amount of fat and exposure to sunlight are to be taken in consideration. The still remains that you should probably supplement pretty much all year round. You can be quite sure that you are not getting excess amounts if you stay under 10 000iu/day. Higher amounts should be monitored frequently.