"Terveyttä kätesi ulottuvilla"

Juha Simola

Konsultaatiot Kampissa (Helsinki) ja Iso-Omenassa (Espoo).
Harjoittelu voi tapahtua käymälläsi kuntosalilla. Myös harjoittelu ja kuntoutus asiakkaan kotona on mahdollista.



Kirjaudu sisään


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Onko sivut mieliset

The importance of repetitions in training

06.11.2015 10:58

The importance of repetitions is based on the fact that we have three types of striated muscle cells and the training needs to be directed efficiently to the different types of muscle cells. Striated muscle cells are classified according to how they use energy to produce movement. Muscle cells and exercise in itself can be divided into short-, medium- and long-term. Our muscles are equipped to operate in different power ranges. Muscle cells can be described in terms of aerobic or anaerobic. The third type of muscle cell is a mixture of the two.

Estimated training load can be calculated as follows:

1 REP      2 REP     3 REP     4 REP     6 REP     8 REP     10 REP    12 REP

100%       95%        92.5%      90%        85%        80%        75%          65%


In other words, if I withdraw from the bench 90kg 5 times and I want to know how much is 100%, which is the maximum I can calculate it using the following formula:

100 / 87.5 X 90kg = 102.86, or about 102kg.

The question probably woke up that what this means in terms of your workout. If you want to maintain your fitness and solidify, you can work out longer repetitions. However, it is to be understood that the power generation or body-modification area not yet influenced by these repetions. If you look at the estimated load on the training table, we can see 12 repetitions is equivalent to mean 65% of the load. This is still a reasonable amount and activates only one type of muscle cells.

Fast muscle fibers begin to operate effectively when the load is about 85% - of the maximum. This means 1-6 repetitions. Fast twitch muscle cells are large and give a lot of volume. The coach will often face cocerns especially from the prettier sex, who think they will get "too plush" muscles. It often shouldn’t be a worry.

Resistance training is usually conceived in the ballpark of 12-20 repetitions. Hypertrophic muscle training occurs from 6-12 repetions  and maximum strength can be attained at 1-6 repetitions. . In endurance training tendons and ligaments are strengthened; the body adapts to training. Hypertrophic training targets the increase of muscle cross-sectional area. Travel speed affects muscle stress and it can affect the effectiveness of the training. Maximum power are particularly affected by neuromuscular factors such as the development of strength and coordination.

Sports such as CrossFit incorporate to their training  the ideology and laws of physics . Power is mechanical work divided by time spent. Simple and brutally effective. These multijoint movements of the whole body burden the whole body during wide ranges of motion. Finally, a few words about the diversity of physical activity. Keep your training as versatile as possible and don’t get stuck on your routines. Versatility reduces the risk to get injured keeps you motivated.