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The significance of nutrition well-being is 80%. Therefore it goes without saying that it can’t be underestimated by anyone. The most important factors for human body is the provision of adequate amount of good quality nutrients. A person begins to show symptoms if intake of essential amino acids, fatty acids or miniature nutritional factors begin to decline.
We live in a welfare state, but many are not feeling very healthy. The minimum protein intake is 1g / weight (kg). Development should be required for 1.5-2g / weight (kg). Everything can be calculated and well-being is also a little bit of math too.The most important fats are monosaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids.
Your body needs sugars and carbohydrates only a very minimal amount to produce energy. How many of us know that muscle is packed with 4 times more energy, ATP, than in the liver. Fitness is a lifestyle and a sport. I agree with fitness ideology although I am skeptical about the wisdom of fitness sport. For men it’s easier to understand that men want to be strong and good-looking. Girls like and it is nice to be stronger than the next guy at the gym. But women's physiology is not designed for intense workout. It is designed for more lighter physical activity.
You are welcome to disagree and I almost hope that you do. Debate is always broadening of perspectives and it is always great to exchange opinions. Try to stay energetic and don’t stop smiling.