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Liver, stomach and brain- the holy threesome
Clearly the most important functional endocrine organs are stomach, liver and the brain. First thing we do in the morning is to eat. Then we occupy ourselves with daily activities like work, hobbies and hanging out with our friends. Priority or foundation for endocrinology or principles of functional medicine relies on a healthy stomach and digestive system. One of the best persons to tell you about this is Paula Heinonen. She is an intelligent woman and passionate about functional medicine.
I’ll tell you more about the connection between these most important organs in your body.
Stomach consists of enzymes secreted by digestive organs like pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Functional digestive tract affects our nervous system in profound ways. Toxins are inevitable factors of life after the industrial revolution. Cars, factories and both processed foods and containers contain chemicals. All of them affect the endocrine system, liver and brain.
Enzymes and toxins do go well hand in hand. It’s a bad relationship; love and war. Toxins with kill cells that produce enzymes that produce enzymes. They also cause inflammation and inhibit microcirculation in these organs. An inflammation in the organ will collapse your endocrine system and make you sick.
Many of the cancer treatments cure patients with 90% success rate. This is accomplished by converting cancer cells into healthy cells. Organs consist of cells. Three major ones are sick, healthy and housekeeping. Housekeeping cells are divided into types in peripheral nervous system and central nervous system. Major types in the brain are glia cells or astrocytes. Endocrine cells repair cells by apoptosis or necrosis also called programmed cell death.
Homeostasis is accomplished by efficient talk between organs via blood stream. Usually the heart is not the weakest link. It’s the repair system. This is why cancer rates are getting high and chronic illnesses manifest. Immunity is a complex body function. Control your lifestyle and your feel healthy.
Eat organic, berries and fruit. Do cardio once or twice a week. Cardio and sweating enables your body to get rid of toxins. Your skin and circulation will held you stay vital. Love yourself and enjoy your life.