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Coffee and a healthy genome
The health effects of coffee are many and myths about this have been talked about for centuries. This remarkable beverage has been increasingly supported by science and the positive effects of coffee are now confirmed. Now you can without uncertainty fetch your cofeemaker from the closet and have a good conscience in drinking a cup or two. American scientists have compared the cells of coffee drinkers to nondrinkers from the perspective of aging. Frequent coffee drinkers cells were a little more youthfull than the controls. Coffee contains compounds that reduce the risk of cancer and reduce the signs of aging in the skin, as well as elsewhere in the body. Prefer Arabica, as it has the highest concentration of antioxidants.
Of course, the health effects of coffee are many and often they affect related factors, such as memory and learning. Coffee can improve learning outcomes. This was observed in a test in which the subjects were divided drinkers and nondrinkers before and after doing a task. Learning was improved next day if the people examined drank coffee after they carried out the task The reason for this may be the antioxidant effect of coffee or coffees ability to increase ATP or energy in the central nervous system.
As coffee is a stimulant and affects the central nervous system in addition to the endocrine system it should be avoided after 6 pm. The reason for this is the natural secretion of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone, a good servant but a bad master. A small amount improves performance but excessive causes tissue degradation. Morphological symptoms include abdominal obesity, burnout, depression, and rapid heart rhythm. Cortisol is affected by many factors and coffee is by no means the only one.
Caffeine breaks down in the body within a few hours. During the first hour of the absorption it’s concentration increases but after the second hour the concentration begins to decrease. Metabolism is linear and follows the kinetics of enzymes in the familiar equation called Michaelis-Menten. Significant amounts of caffeine in the body is not longer in our bloodstream after 4-6 hours.
Take pleasure from your coffee and grind your beans for a better life.